WP Seasons

WP Seasons is a simple plugin to automatically render text depending on the season via a shortcode.

If you ever wished to automatically modify portions of text depending on the season, this very simple plugin will do the job for you.
Just go to ‘Settings’ and click on ‘Seasons’ menu, and define the specific text you want to show for each season.
Finally, insert the [season] shortcode within any content to show the season’s related text.


The simplest way to install is to click on ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add’ and type ‘WP Seasons’ in the search field.

If you prefer to install it manually, you can download it here.

[ddownload id=441]

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the season detected

The plugin uses the current date. If the current date is between March, 21st and June, 21st the plugin will return ‘Spring’, etc.



Renaming pluging to WP Seasons.


Added axdtss_ prefix to functions.


First version that works.


First version. Bugged…